Our 2020 Vision is Clear: Goals and Affirmations for the Year
Deon Egenti
New year. New goals. New affirmations. We just entered a new decade and there is a lot in store for us in 2020. People want to create new memories, set new paths, and make choices for the betterment of themselves. We all have objectives that we want to obtain in life. We all want to grow from what and where we were previously. We all want our dreams to become a reality. Simply put, we just trying to make it out here. Therefore, the B2P staff and some close associates of ours decided to list some of our goals and affirmations for 2020. We believe that all of these things listed will come to fruition.
Cleverly Chloe’s Goals and Affirmations (@CleverlyChloe):
2020 Goals:
- Mainly getting my body and health right.
- Being consistent with my creative projects and putting forth my best efforts for my new series We Like Hip Hop Too.
2020 Affirmation:
- Not letting anything or anyone disturb my peace.
Denayja’s Goals and Affirmations (@girlwthatlaugh)
2020 Goal:
- Launch my festival in November.
2020 Affirmation:
- 3 C’s: Community, Consistency, and Confidence
Deon’s Goals and Affirmations (@deonegenti):
2020 Goals:
- I want to travel to 4 states
- Interview a celebrity that I admire
- Have my article published on a major media platform
2020 Affirmations:
- Always trust your gut
- I will tell my friends and fellow creatives that I love them and I appreciate them
DJ Miss Milan’s Goals and Affirmations (@DJMissMilan)
2020 Goal:
- To have as much positive impact by continuing to live my dreams & being the best version of myself.
2020 Affirmation:
- No matter what comes my way I know it’s meant for me to go through and achieve greatness.
Jameer’s Goals and Affirmations (@jameerpond)
2020 Goal:
- I’m working on self happiness. I’m trying to enjoy so many more aspects of myself this year.
2020 Affirmation:
- Nothing matters unless you’re happy. No matter how many extreme highs you hit, if you’re not happy it won’t mean as much.
Julius’ Goals and Affirmations (@FunnyJulius):
2020 Goal:
- Filming my first short film.
2020 Affirmation:
- Without sacrifice there is no progress
Junae’s Goals and Affirmations (@JunaeBrown)
2020 Goals:
- $100K+ in revenue for @B2PAgency
2020 Affirmations:
- I am powerful beyond measure.
- I am more than enough, nothing meant for me will ever miss me.
Maya’s Goals and Affirmations (@Mayantics_):
2020 Goals:
- To keep going even when things feel too hard
- When taking on new projects and commitments give my all from day one till the end
- Establish more genuine connections with people
2020 Affirmations:
- I will not be upset about the results that come from the work I didn’t do
- I Have faith in God’s purpose for my life because my steps are already set
- I will only be as successful as my working efforts
Naiyima’s Goals and Affirmations (@_heymynameisNAY):
2020 Goals:
• Obtain my driver’s license by December.
• Invest in a laptop, camera, mic, etc. for my YouTube channel.
• Aim to save $50K in savings + work on money budgeting via financial counseling.
2020 Affirmations:
• I will continue to shoot my shot. It is okay if I miss a couple shots until I score one.
• I am a winner just by trying in the 1st place, not just when I accomplish something
• I know my worth and value, and am growing love within myself before sharing it with others.