God is a Black Woman Vol. 3: 15 Photographers Who Are Making Us Pose for the Camera


Deon Egenti

It takes a good photographer to capture you, but it takes an artist to capture your essence. Black women have taken over photography and have captured some of the most mesmerizing moments. The pictures they take tell a story like no other. The beauty and allure of it all speaks more than any caption we can put on Instagram. Browned 2 Perfection wants to show appreciation to the photographers who continue to make magic and document history.

Alexandria Brown:

Location: Dallas, TX

Instagram: @alexrenee.co

Portfolio: https://www.instagram.com/alexrenee.co/

Ally Green

Location: Houston, TX/Los Angeles, CA

Instagram: @theallygreen

Portfolio: https://theallygreen.com/

Cheyenne Allen

Location: New York

Instagram: @cheymillz

Portfolio: https://cheymillz.com/

Chynna Keys

Location: DMV (Bryans Road, Maryland)

Instagram: @madenchynna

Portfolio: http://madenchynna.com/

Danielle ‘Jazz’ Noel

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Instagram: @jazzshoots

Portfolio: http://www.jazzshoots.com/

Diahann “Dee” Williams

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Instagram: @hideexdee

Portfolio: https://www.deexdee.com/

Hibak Mohamed

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Instagram: @hibzterx

Portfolio: https://www.instagram.com/hibzterx/

Inari Briana

Location: Atlanta, GA

Instagram: @inaribriana

Portfolio: https://www.inaribriana.com/

Jada Imani M

Location: PG County, Maryland

Instagram: @jadaimanim

Portfolio: https://www.jadaimanim.com/

Kai Tsehay

Location: New York, New York

Instagram: @kaitsehay

Portfolio: https://www.kaitsehay.com/

Megan Sumpton

Location: Houston, TX

Instagram: @megyuup

Portfolio: https://www.megyuup.com/

Nailah Howze

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Instagram: @cloudnai

Portfolio: https://www.cloudnaii.com/

Polly Irungu

Location: Norman, Oklahoma and Brooklyn, New York

Instagram: @pollyirungu

Portfolio: https://www.pollyirungu.com/

Randijah Simmons

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Instagram: @yungdij

Portfolio: https://randijahs.com/

Vonecia Carswell

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Instagram: @voneciacarswell

Portfolio: https://voneciacarswell.com/



Browned 2 Perfection Agency
Browned 2 Perfection Agency

Written by Browned 2 Perfection Agency

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